Time is always valuable, important. The whole world is going through a phase, that each person must help itself. Must protect itself. One must understand that instead of creating problems for the world, one must…

Time is always valuable, important. The whole world is going through a phase, that each person must help itself. Must protect itself. One must understand that instead of creating problems for the world, one must…
Om Namo Narayana, The crisis , what ever form it may have taken, brings out the best in the human beings. Provided we are open and willing to learn. The ongoing Pandemic COVID-19 is challenge…
When you are taking sanyasi mean you are renouncing the world. Family Sanyasa mean you are going to create beautiful world. So, life has a meaning. We all are life, simply you have not got…
Each day with some special energy and fervor. It is Kumbh, beyond the judgement of human mind and intellect. It is for one to feel it, imbibe its essence and carry that essence back home.…
Real means many way. The five element is a yoga. You are born because of yoga, are growing because of yoga. Yoga is a nature. Yoga comes through the natural science to create this world.…
The samadhi, the casual cognition of a which is cultivated through method, upaya, pratyahara. Accurace to the Jogis .Faith shraddha means full clarity and pleasant ness of the mind field then brilliant like a mother,…
You are seeing, you are watching is a God, your hearing is a God, your smell is a God, your thinking is a God. You cannot walk, you cannot talk we say he do not…
The brother every member is after no relation there, what relation only somebody die, parent die otherwise fighting, how to handle to respect god or if pray god then harmonize. Japan is too much no…
Meditation is a one part of yoga . But in the yoga there is a purification, pratahara more than meditation pratahara is important. You can receive everything but this like you are receiving everything…
Everything is a sanskara. What we have done in the past, past in many, many life and what you have done in past this life. That create a good luck bad luck. Good karma, bad…